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Oh what a night, early December of 2015

So yes, the title of this is a direct reference to Frankie Valli's "Oh What a Night," but it has nothing to do with good ol' Frankie. A few nights ago I had the best night of my life. None of which would have been possible without Matthew and Gunnar Nelson. I had the pleasure of meeting them at one of their Christmas with the Nelsons concerts as well as all the perks of having a VIP pass! (Heck yeah!) For those of you who have not met them, they are the warmest, kindest, most welcoming, and most genuine people you will ever meet. I counted down the days for three weeks before the concert and successfully annoyed every person I know with my overflowing excitement. When the concert finally came, I was a "nervous wreck," as I told Matt. I was shaking so bad, I dropped my phone right in front of them and several other things I was holding throughout the night. So awkward. They were super nice though and didn't seem to mind the fact that I was a mess. I cried several times throughout the night, but never in front of the twins! All my expectations for this concert was wrong, but for once in a good way. Every aspect of the concert/meet and greet was better than I ever though it would be. And I'll have you know I had very high expectations for this concert! The VIP events started off with getting to sit in during the sound check, receiving a neat little goodie bag (most of the contents were later signed by the boys), and a selfie on stage with them. I don't want to give any spoilers about the concert, so you'll just have to go for yourself! I will say that the guys are such classic brothers. One minute they will be correcting each other in the middle of a story and the next you have Gunnar saying, "Give it up for my big brother, Mattie," after an awesome guitar solo. It was just great. Their stage chatter and chemistry is just as wonderful as the gorgeous harmonies these two have! Afterwards, I got to talk, to them a little more, and I just want you to know this: any interview you read or watch with them is 100% accurate. They are just the same in person. I had to giggle a little during the sound check watching them interact because it was exactly how I imagined them being. In a world like this, that kind of genuineness is so rare. I had read where they talked about the importance of being genuine to them, but I guess I wasn't quite convinced until I saw them. They are just so real. I love that so much. As nervous as I was, once I realized that they are who they are, there was no mask, they were just fully themselves, I was able to relax quite a bit. I just want to thank Matt and Gunn for being themselves. You guys are seriously winning at life. If you ever doubt that you are "making your ancestors proud," I want to assure you that both of you most definitely are. During the concert I almost felt as if I could feel Rick smiling down, and I'm sure he was. Thank you for reminding me that there is still good in the world - good people, good music, and good morals. Most of all, thank you for caring.


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