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Showing posts from September, 2016

I Pray for You

'Tis better to give than to receive. That's what they say, right? In the case of having a praying friend and being a praying friend, I think it's tied. Both are so powerful. You can't really pick which one is better. Personally, being a praying friend has brought about many blessings in my life and I want to help you become that friend. When I first started, I was very lost. I didn't really know what to pray for. I looked on Pinterest, and for once, it failed me. I couldn't find any substantial content regarding praying for your friends. That's when I had to actually use my brain, which is probably a good thing. I will admit that having a comprehensive list would have helped boost my prayers in the beginning. I want to give you some general ideas that you can personalize or use to help get your mind cranking and your prayers flowing. 1) Success : Pray that God will make them successful. Not just wealth, but that they will see results in their efforts

A Letter to My Nine-Year-Old Self

This is me as the flower girl at my mom's wedding,  at nine years old. As I was working out this morning, I asked myself a simple question: "How did I get so fat?" I couldn't control my thoughts, though, so it ended up being a reflection on my whole life. My childhood in particular. That's when I began to think of things I wish I could go back and tell myself when I was nine, as it was a pivotal year in my life. Dear Chloe,      Life must feel pretty crazy for you right now. Everything is changing; I know how that scares you. It's okay to be afraid, just don't let it keep you from living the fun life. I'm sure right now you can't imagine anything being fun. Your mom just got married, you've just changed schools, you broke your arm trying to be "Wild Woman" on your bike (i.e., carrying an armful of things, reading a book, and flying down the ramp as fast as you could - all at the same time), and your meeting new people seem

Where You Are

Have you ever been part of a conversation, but not really part of it? Like where you could join in, but you just don't feel like talking - so you don't. I do that all the time. Earlier today I did it. I had a lot to say, but being my INFJ-self, I couldn't pull all my thoughts together in the moment. Now here we are, and I'm finally putting in my two cents... where the others won't hear it. Hmmm... oh well. The conversation was one that some Christians would find offensive. (Note: the individual I'm speaking of is well learned in the history of the church.) The initial comment, by the noted individual, was something like, "Christianity is one of the most adaptable religions." Now let's be honest, you don't have to have all the study that this person has had to know that. I used to attend a cowboy church. I did a quick Google search and found these themed churches: biker, football, Star Wars, skating, and karate. I know there are more, but t