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Showing posts from October, 2016

All for Good

As I sat down to write this post, four months ago, I couldn't do it. I've wanted to do this for a while, but was always too overwhelmed to actually finish. Here we are, four months later, and I finally accomplished my goal. My intent for this post is to not only express my gratitude for all that Christ has brought me through, but to hopefully show someone else what Christ can do for them. It's because of that second reason that I pushed through the discomfort of delving into and exposing part of my past. A while back, I wrote " A Letter to My Nine-Year-Old Self " which touched on my past, but the real hurt in my life occurred before I was nine. I'm only going to talk about two specific events in my life, but they're by far the most influential of anything that has happened to me. When I think back as far as I can, one of my first memories is being about two years old, sitting at the front door with a box of raisins, crying for my dad. Not because I co

An Attitude of Gratitude

It's been a while since I've posted anything, but I suppose it's not a bad thing. I've been so busy trying to take in all these blessings that I haven't had much time to write. When I do, I'm honestly so overcome that I can't get the words out. I never knew what David was feeling in Psalm 23 when he said, "My cup runneth over," until now. My heart is so full. This last week, I was on the phone with a family member telling them how it had been such a good day. I went on to tell them some different things that had happened that day. As I did, everything I said was something bad. I finished my summary of the day with this, "Wow. It sounds like it was a terrible day when I say everything that happened. But it wasn't. It was a really good day, and I just feel so blessed." What I learned from that is that a simple attitude of gratitude changed my whole perspective of the day. When I focus on what's right with my life instead of what&