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Showing posts from July, 2018

A Letter to My Eighteen-Year-Old Self

In my post, " What is Love ," I mentioned that the beginning of this year brought some struggles that kept me away from my blog for a while, but said that I would work up to talking about them. A little whisper this morning told me that now was the time, thus this post was born. This is my second "letter to myself" post (see the first one, here ). I suppose they come from a place of wishing I knew then what I know now, but these posts help me to consolidate the lessons I have learned and help me to appreciate the growth I have experienced. Dear Chloe, My, my, my. You are officially an adult. I suppose that means you know it all now. At least that's what you think. You have nearly two decades of life under your belt. You really have this thing figured out. You try to act that way, at least. But I know better. Deep down, you are terrified. You have no clue what's going on. You're only going to college, but it might as well be Mars. Right now, thi