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Showing posts from August, 2019

Quiet Season

"For from days of old no one has heard, nor has ear perceived, nor has the eye seen a God besides You, who works and acts in behalf of the one who gladly waits for Him." - Isaiah 64:4 I guess I wasn't really prepared for this "in between." I feel as though I have one foot in the past and the other in the future. Some mornings I wake up, the morning sun hits my skin, fresh air fills my lungs, I feel the new mercies of the Lord in my bones. The smell of my coffee brewing stirs excitement in me for the possibilities of Today. Some mornings I wake up and it feels like the light of the sun can't quite reach me. Instead of breathing in fresh morning air, I suck in anxiety and regret  - I am drowning. Again. My vision blurs as my past consumes me. I sink further and further into this bottomless ocean, sure that either I have ruined my life, or my life has ruined me. The calm after a storm is eerily quiet. After growing accustomed to all the chaos that the stor