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Showing posts from December, 2019


The past few months have brought much change in my life - wanted and needed. Even wanted change brings a level of stress and uncertainty, and after the dust settles, a period of reflection. My last post spoke to my waiting on the Lord. The end of August, brought the end to my waiting! I was finally hired for a new job that's not retail! (*praise hands*) I'm still STOKED to have weekends off and to be learning technical skills that will help me in my future.  Just before that, I started going to counseling again, and recently have started EMDR therapy there. I haven't been very vocal about this online or in my "real life." I thought it would be better for me to give myself space to process without trying to make a post or conversation piece about it. I'm not done with therapy, but I do feel like I am now at a point where a can share and want to share about some of the conclusions I have drawn. I want you to think about your life. Think about the highest