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A Day in the Life of a Babysitter

Babysitters: a group of individual who are, in my opinion, under-appreciated and misunderstood. As a babysitter from a long line of babysitters, I might be slightly biased. At any rate, I have some strong feelings about babysitting. I've been a baby sitter for nearly six years. I've been a caretaker, tutor, and Thursday night "Sunday School" teacher to all kinds of kids. I've watched hyper, ornery, calm, sweet, special needs, and every other kind of kid in between. I'd be lying if I told you that I enjoyed each child equally, but I have loved them all. Most people don't consider the love that goes in to babysitting and all we put up with for kids that aren't even ours. (I know that we are paid to compensate for our work, but no amount of money will give me back my time, energy, or sanity!) I babysit all day, five days a week. Those days are spent feeding, cleaning, entertaining, and sometimes disciplining four different kids - from five months to eight years old. On an average day, I wake up at 6:30 to get ready for the first child who arrives around 7:15. I drink one or two cups of coffee, eat a decent breakfast, may or may not eat lunch, get punched ten times, sassed fifteen, and spit up on twenty. At the end of the day, I smell like a glorious mix of spit up, formula, baby food, sweat, and sometimes pee. The bun in my hair is holding on by a miracle and my bangs are hanging in my face, flipped back sloppily, half in and half out of my bobby pin, or probably a combination of all three. Yesterday, I spent an hour and a half doing everything I could to console a crying baby to no avail. I started playing "Hold on Forever" by Rob Thomas - mostly for me, but I hoped it might help cheer her up. After the song started, I began to change her diaper and a "miracle" happened: she smiled! I felt warm all over. Especially my hands - because she was peeing all over them! Her mom picked her up about an hour later, and then I left to go watch two boys. My babysitting ended at 10:00 p.m. I really just wanted a hug, shower, and good night's rest. Honestly, it wasn't much crazier than an "average" day for me. I'm not complaining though. It wasn't a huge deal, but my little pee incident made me aware of how much love I have for all the little noses, bottoms, and faces I wipe; the outfits I change; the bottles, snacks, and meals I make; the time-out timers I have preset on my phone; the fights broken up; the hours spent playing outside; the kisses on skinned knees, soft foreheads, and chubby cheeks; the never ending messes; the ouchies I doctor; tight little hugs even after a rough day; and my loss of any social life (not that I had one before.) I find myself unable to talk about anything other than babysitting because that's all I do! Let's not forget the time I accidentally called the bathroom "the poopa," in public because that's what one of my kiddos called it, and I'll give an honorable mention to all the weird noises I make throughout the day when I run in to someone/something or get startled. I'm so used to doing silly screams and noises while playing with kids that I can't stop. I may lead a lame, crazy, and exhausting life, but my love for the kids outweighs it all.

I found this poem on Pinterest. I absolutely fell in love with it, and I want to share it with you!

Although I'm not their mother
I care for them each day,
I cuddle, sing, and read to them
And watch them as they play.

I see each new accomplishment,
I help them grow and learn.
I understand their language, 
I listen with concern.

They come to me for comfort,
And I kiss away their tears.
They proudly show their work to me,
I give the loudest cheers!

No, I'm not their mother,
But my role is just as strong.
I nurture them and keep them safe,
Though maybe not for long.

I know someday the time will come,
When we will have to part,
But I now each child I cared for,
Is forever in my heart.
-Author Unknown

Here's a big, quick Thank You to all the parents who have blessed me with you children during the day, and relieved me by taking them back in the evenings! ;)


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