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The Holy Trinity of Rick, Bob and Bruce: UPDATE!

In order to understand this post, you will need to read The Holy Trinity of Rick, Bob, and Bruce. Matchbox Twenty is "new" music to me, but many moons ago (like 13 years ago) I listened to a few of their songs, and LOVED them. The only problem was I didn't know who they were or what the songs were called, so I just forgot about them. Keep this detail in the back of your mind, and then think to what I wrote in The Holy Trinity. Keeping all that in mind, add this to the chain of events. Rob Thomas, lead singer of Matchbox Twenty, is a huge Springsteen fan, has asked him for career advice, and has used him for several of his Songs of the Day. Read this article to see some more of what he has to say about The Boss.

Now that you have all this information swimming around in your brain, let me make a list for you to refer to and see my point.

1. Thirteen years ago, my favorite song was "Unwell" by MB20, but it didn't know how to find it.

2. About ten years later, I discovered Bruce Springsteen.

3. Two years later, I started listening to Rick Nelson.

4. After learning about Rick's friendship with Bob Dylan and Dylan's influence on Rick, I started listening to him.

5. Later I leaned that the influence was a mutual thing between Nelson and Dylan.

6. After that, I learned about Dylan's influence on Springsteen.

*so here we have an awesome lining up of favorite musicians*

7. Nine days ago I rediscovered MB20.

8. After seeing Springsteen's repeated occurrence on Rob's Songs of the Day, I did a little research and saw how much Rob loved him.

*note here that all my favorites for the past thirteen years have lined up perfectly even though I deemed them as favorites out of order*

Instead of The Holy Trinity of Rick, Bob, and Bruce, now I have The Heavenly Quartet of Rick, Bob, Bruce, AND Rob. (Doesn't that just flow so nice? Ahhhh...) I think I have also determined what it is about them: they all tell the truth. I know they aren't the only musicians that tell the truth, but that's just the big quality about them that attracts me, I suppose. The styles of music play a factor too, but I'm not narrow minded (I mean, Ricky Nelson to Matchbox Twenty, that's pretty broad). Anyway, I just appreciate that they just tell how they feel and how the world is without guards. If you haven't already gathered it, I really just love people who are open and honest. I know most people don't find this is exciting, cool, awesome, etc. as me, but that won't stop me from talking about it. I feel like I've come full circle.


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