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Make Every Day an Adventure

1. An unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity
I've always wanted to take a cross-country road trip to discover quirky places in the good ol' US of A. I would absolutely love to take a run up the "Rocky steps" in Philadelphia as well as seeing some historical sights in the Northeast. Really,  I'm just a nerd and love all history, so any historical sight would suit me, and I've always wanted to see the Grand Canyon. I have family from Maryland to California that I would be ecstatic to see. Just thinking about all the things that I want to do on a long personal vacation makes my heart beat a little faster, my imagination a little wilder,  and the corners of my mouth turn up in a little smile.
Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to go on a mission trip. When I arrived, I was hoping for some adventure. I had visions of leading dozens to Christ, meeting "the one," taking extreme hikes - and rocking them, and essentially being a domestic Katie Davis (sans adopting 14 children).
Reality was slightly different.
Reality was going door to door inviting children to our makeshift Vacation Bible School and getting yelled at (multiple times). It was sweating in the lawn of a rundown trailer park, struggling to keep kids interested in our limited VBS. It was me speaking choppy Spanish to sweet mamas and children who only spoke choppy English. It was bagging up and passing out cookies to the same people I had been yelled at by just days before. It was sleeping on a deflated air mattress. I didn't lead anyone to Christ, but I got to show love to children who may not get much. I got to hold grubby hands, play ball with little shoeless feet, and pass out snacks to little hungry tummies. When it was all over, I was given the tightest little hugs by little minds who couldn't understand why I couldn't stay. I went on an easy hike and was the most scared out of our group the entire time. I didn't meet "the one," but my heart was so full of love for the people I was with, I could barely entertain the thought of needing a man to feel whole.
Even though that wasn't what I had in mind for my grand adventure of the summer, I know my heart was more fulfilled than it would have been any other way. Going door to door may not be the first thing we think of for fun, but it definitely put me outside my comfort zone. Isn't that half of what adventure is anyway? I would be lying if I said that I don't hope to up my hiking game, see more breathtaking views, go more places, get married, and adopt a slew of children.
But that's not the goal.
Well, it could be.
Ultimately, the goal, and the only true adventure, is going wherever Christ leads. The truth is that He will take us places we can't go on our own. I don't know about you, but "humanly impossible" sounds pretty darn adventurous to me! The good news for me is that no matter how uncomfortable I get, I can trust that God is in control, so I don't have to be afraid when things get a little too adventurous for my liking.
Whether God leads you to the mountains, to the slums, or to a seemingly dead end, mundane job, following Him will always be an adventure!
Now, my little saying is more special to me than ever.
Wherever you are in life, whatever obstacles you face, no matter how insignificant you feel, or how scared you are, make every day an adventure.
Here are just a few of my favorite pictures that I took (in chronological order). I am horrible at remembering to take pictures, so the fact that I have these is quite impressive!

Our "script" of information to tell the Hispanic parents.

The exact moment I realized the true meaning of adventure.

My single-girl humor kicked in when I saw this sign for a "Young Singles" Sunday School class. (One of the few times I thought about my relationship status all week.)

This is as very candid picture. I didn't know my picture was being taken. I was just laughing at myself because I was too scared to climb up any further, so my girl Sarah took a picture of me.
And finally, a pretty mountain side view that I took on our last full day.


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