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7 things that make me happy!

Simplicity is key in my life. I may be a complicated individual, but I do appreciate the simple things in life. Here are seven things that, though simple, bring a special joy to my heart and sparkle to my eye.
Music: Music is something that I cannot live without. Have I honestly made it one post without referencing it? I am listening to music as a write (Now Playing: Only the Lonely by Roy Orbison). Nothing makes me happier than four chords masterfully arranged to make a sweet melody with a deep, smooth voice. One of my favorite quotes about music is by Tom Waits, he says, "I love beautiful melodies telling me terrible things," and nothing could be truer.
Playing Guitar: Although this kind of falls under the music category, there is a difference between listening to music and creating it. There is something so moving to me that I can make those beautiful melodies with my own two hands and put my own thoughts with them, or I can take someone else's song and recreate it with my style. Playing guitar is a natural high for me. It takes me to a place of its own. Hold on to those things that keep you vibrant!
Chocolate: I love all chocolate, but dark chocolate holds a special place in my heart and tummy! I love all chocolate things: brownies, hot chocolate (especially Mexican and Italian!), chocolate covered strawberries, chocolate truffles, chocolate by itself... ahhh... I don't even care.
Coffee: One thing about coffee that I love, besides that "I can do anything," feeling, is the taste. I LOVE the taste of good black coffee. I even love the taste of bad black coffee! I will drink it hot or cold, as long as it's black. I always wince a little inside when I see someone doctoring up their coffee - it's too good to add anything to it! Although, I did work up to drinking it black. I used to put milk and sugar, then I just put sugar and slowly lessened the amount until I got to the way I am now where I prefer it black. I will mention, I love a nice big White Chocolate Mocha from Starbuck's!
Good Books: Give me a good book, and you'll have a friend for life. There's nothing like being transported to another universe, quite frankly. My favorite moment in reading time is when I'm reading anything F. Scott Fitzgerald, with a big cup of black coffee, listening to Ozzie Nelson (cue, "You're Such a Comfort to Me.")
Writing: I think this is a given considering I chose to start this blog. I love being  able construct my thoughts how ever I want them and share them with who I want and that is just so magical to me.
Rainy Days: I don't know what it is about rainy days, but I really love them. They just make me so happy. I seriously cannot contain my excitement when it rains. I have been known to actually go out and dance in the rain. There's something beautiful about that innocence in my opinion.


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