My Third Birthday
Today is a special day for me. Today, I celebrate my third
birthday. Now, you’re probably confused. It’s not Leap Year, and if it was, I would actually be twelve years old – and I’m clearly not. You see,
it’s not my physical birthday. It’s my spiritual birthday. Three years ago,
today, I was, as Jesus said, born again.
“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he
cannot see the kingdom of God…. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and
that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” – John 3:3, 6
I would like to take a moment to reminisce on my “birthday.”
I grew up in church. Many of my earliest memories take place
in my grandma’s church – singing hymns, getting piggy back rides from the
youth, shyly smiling at my grandma’s friends as we ate at many pot luck
dinners, and making tons of crafts during Vacation Bible School. As I grew, I
became more knowledgeable on religious matters. I knew all the “important”
stories. I generally knew the right things to say when my teachers asked
questions. When I was upper-elementary/middle school age, I began to grow proud
for what I perceived to be a plethora of knowledge of God. I didn’t feel Him in
my life, but I could answer all the questions and that’s what mattered to me.
For me, church was just another thing to add my straight-A report card.
As a devote and active member of my church, when I came of
age (7th grade) to attend camp with our youth group, I was there.
The second night of camp, one of my friends went down during the invitation.
The next night, I did. I knew all the answers, of course, so my youth pastor
was easily convinced that I had made a genuine decision. Rather than get
better, my life seemed to fall apart of my “decision.” As I moved into high
school, my straight-A report card faded into a letter from the school informing
my parents that I had a 43 in English, and that the school would begin to take
away privileges from me until I was able to get my grade to a passing one. You
may or may not me a rocket scientist, but as a writer, English is something that
comes naturally to me. It wasn’t that I didn’t understand the class, but
rather, internally I was falling apart. So much that it was affecting my
grades. I was not a light in my school. Socially and emotionally I was a wreck.
Most days, I wore pajamas. Over the next few years, my grades improved
drastically, but that’s about it. Every other aspect of my life grew worse and
worse. I became depressed and suicidal, I would binge eat, then go days barely
eating. I hated myself and I hated life. I continued to go to church, only
because I was “supposed to.” I would fake a smile and continue to spout all the
right answers, successfully warding off any doubts from those around me and
myself for a while.
The summer before my junior year in high school, I returned
to that same church camp. I was absolutely broken. I had spent the past four
years struggling and searching. For much of the week, I didn’t enjoy myself. I
was oddly silent when any questions were asked. I didn’t spout any knowledge. I
honestly just wanted to go home. On the fourth of five nights, our speaker,
pastor Clayton King, began to speak to people just like me. I remember him
saying that there were people in the crowd who had made some kind of decision in
the past, but it wasn’t real. It was an emotion-fueled experience, but not a
soul change. (It was at this point I began to squirm in my seat.) He went on to
say that we had probably been struggling since then, and that we had tried and
tried to be good enough, we may have rededicated several times, but nothing
seemed to work. Then he made this statement that changed my life, “You guys
keep trying to rededicate something you don’t even have.”
June 12, 2014, Christ came into my life and
began to work in me. Three years later, He is still working in me, and
revealing truth to me. I am so grateful for God’s patience with me that comes
from His unbelievable love for me. I hope I never take it for granted and that
I never forget just how far He reached to pull me up. To you, it may be just
another day, but remembering these things makes it a happy, happy birthday to
Comment below and tell me about your birthday! If you don't have one and you would like to, talk to me or someone you know who can help you. I would love to be birthday buddies with someone!
Comment below and tell me about your birthday! If you don't have one and you would like to, talk to me or someone you know who can help you. I would love to be birthday buddies with someone!
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