The Word with Friends
Although I never played the game, I heard a lot of people talk about "Words with Friends." As I sat down to write this post, I thought of it because it's so fitting for what I have to say, and it made me giggle a little to be honest.
This summer was really amazing, if you haven't gathered that by now. Of all the great things that happened, one of my favorites was a little "Bible thing" I started doing with a very good friend of mine. It all started one day when when I realized that I went three weeks without reading my Bible and didn't even bat an eye. Honestly, I've gone longer, but this particular day it had been three weeks. (Which is still too long.) I came to terms with the fact that my willpower or resolution wasn't getting the job done. What I needed was accountability. A year ago I would've thought, "Well crap. I don't have anyone," but this year I have someone. I immediately sent them a message asking for that accountability. I didn't even know exactly what I wanted to do. The next morning I just took a stab in the dark and sent a message about what I had read, and it just stuck. Now, pretty much every morning I send a message with a few bullet points on what stood out to me. Then we typically have a little conversation about it. Here's a screenshot of one of my messages:
This summer was really amazing, if you haven't gathered that by now. Of all the great things that happened, one of my favorites was a little "Bible thing" I started doing with a very good friend of mine. It all started one day when when I realized that I went three weeks without reading my Bible and didn't even bat an eye. Honestly, I've gone longer, but this particular day it had been three weeks. (Which is still too long.) I came to terms with the fact that my willpower or resolution wasn't getting the job done. What I needed was accountability. A year ago I would've thought, "Well crap. I don't have anyone," but this year I have someone. I immediately sent them a message asking for that accountability. I didn't even know exactly what I wanted to do. The next morning I just took a stab in the dark and sent a message about what I had read, and it just stuck. Now, pretty much every morning I send a message with a few bullet points on what stood out to me. Then we typically have a little conversation about it. Here's a screenshot of one of my messages:
I really love that it's a place of honesty. If one of us struggles with something in the passage, we just say, "That's hard for me." I think everyone needs to have someone that they can tell their struggles to. When you do, usually one of three things will happen. You'll either get understanding from them, a word of advice/wisdom, or just support. You might even get someone who will pray for you! At first it may seem awkward, scary, or (insert your own negative description), but it's really worth it.
I did good for a couple weeks - until one morning when I woke up with a migraine. That morning I didn't read my Bible, so I obviously didn't send my little spiel. I'm not sure why (maybe a lifetime of being let down), but I was honestly surprised that evening when I heard my phone's little chime and found a message that said, "Have you read your Bible today?" (I was so happy, by the way.) Doing this has been so great for me. I know the content of my blog has shifted with it, and my relationship with Christ has benefited tremendously. Not only am I in the Word, but I'm discussing it (almost) daily.
A couple weeks ago I told another friend of mine about this. She liked the idea so much that she started a group message with her close friends doing the same thing. After learning that, I excitedly mentioned it in the next morning's "Bible thing." We thought it was pretty cool that we had helped spark a new Bible study and dreamed a little about it going worldwide. I really hope it does. That's where you, my readers, come in. Find yourself a "Bible buddy" and start your own "Bible thing." As I mentioned before, a year ago this would have been impossible for me. Because I know some of you are probably in that same boat, I will be your buddy! Just leave a comment similar to my message above, and I will respond. I may even give you a word of encouragement! (If you are one of the people who doesn't have anyone, I want to remind you that your Samuel is coming!) I genuinely hope that you will pick up this habit and watch how Christ transforms your life.
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