Blame it on My INFJ Ways... Part 2

Before I tell about my results, I want to post about the basics of Myers-Briggs. When you take the quiz, you will get a combination of four different letters that represent "functions".

The first letter will be either an E or an I, for Extroverted or Introverted.  Introverted does not mean "shy", it just means that after socializing you're drained and need to recharge. An extrovert recharges through social interactions.

The second letter will be an S or N, for Sensing or Intuitive. This deals with how you take in and apply information. A "senser" will rely on concrete information obtained through the five senses in a past experience. A senser also learns better through hands-on experience. An intuitive will pay attention to themes, patterns, and meanings of information, and tend to think through situations rather that doing (hands-on). A senser will look to the past for physical evidence of how a system or method works. An intuitive will remember themes, but are more future oriented. Sensers also pay more attention to details, while an intuitive is always thinking about the bigger picture.

The third letter will be an F or T, for Feeling or Thinking. This has to do with decision making. I tied for INFJ and INTJ because my Feeling and Thinking functions are equal. A feeler doesn't neccesarily mean an emotional person although they may tend to be. It means that decisions are made according to personal values. Many feelers value harmony and compassion. They don't want to hurt the feelings of others, so they may have a hard time telling the "cold hard truth" if it could hurt  someone's feelings or offend them. They also make decisions according to each circumstance. A thinker makes decisions based on truths and principles. They aren't as concerned with the feelings of others. They aren't cold robots like some people make them out to be, they just value logic and truth. If the truth hurts someone's feelings, that's just the luck of the draw. They don't  make decisions according to specific circumstances, but universal truths.

The last letter will be a J or P, judging or perceiving. This is how you interact with the world around you. Regardless of if you are an Introvert or Extrovert, you can be a "judger" or "perceiver". A judger tends to internalize their decision making process, they compare their surroundings to their inner values rather than other people and tend to be the planners. A perceiver will compare their options and decisions with the values from people around them and then make their decision, they are also the people that "fly by the seat of their pants."

Hopefully this has helped you gain some understanding of the MBTI, and helped you discover something about yourself! Stick around for Part 3 and I will talk more about being an INFJ/INTJ. I would talk about the others, but I don't have first hand experience, and I don't want to start throwing out stereotypes. Don't even get me started on the MBTI stereotypes...


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