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It's been a while (four and a half years) since I've been on here. I had a hard time getting logged in and I almost don't even know how to start! I don't have a plan for this blog and, truth be told, I didn't intend on getting back on it. As recently as a month ago, I told a friend at church that I "couldn't foresee myself blogging ever again." I'm a bad fortune teller. The Lord gave me back my words.  My love of writing had become more of a nostalgic thing, something that a younger me with sparkling eyes, who did not know much grief, regularly enjoyed. A love that the locust destroyed (Joel 2:25-26). As it turns out, I've been following a God who is all about resurrection and restoration, a God who says that He is making all things new (Rev. 21:5) - and maybe this blog, my love of writing, is included in "all things." He's been making a lot of things new in my life the last four years! I went back and deleted several posts that I

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